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Bronte Adventures In Haworth

Attraction | Keighley | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

Aventures Brontë à Haworth - Un voyage littéraire dans le monde des sœurs Brontë

Brontë Adventures à Haworth est une occasion unique d'explorer le paysage inspirant et le patrimoine culturel des célèbres sœurs Brontë. Haworth, un village pittoresque du comté de West Yorkshire, est mondialement connu comme étant le foyer de Charlotte, Emily et Anne Brontë, les écrivaines derrière des classiques tels que *Jane Eyre*, *Les Hauts de Hurlevent* et *La Recluse de Wildfell Hall*. Avec Brontë Adventures, les visiteurs peuvent plonger dans le monde de ces extraordinaires autrices, découvrir les lieux de leurs romans et vivre la beauté sauvage des landes du Yorkshire qui les a inspirées.

Contexte historique
Les sœurs Brontë ont grandi à Haworth, où leur père, Patrick Brontë, était pasteur. Le petit village et le paysage sauvage des landes ont façonné leur enfance et ont servi de toile de fond à bon nombre de leurs œuvres littéraires. Emily Brontë en particulier s'est inspirée de l'environnement pour son roman *Les Hauts de Hurlevent*, dont le paysage sombre et battu par le vent a grandement influencé l'atmosphère de l'histoire.

Brontë Adventures emmène les visiteurs dans ces lieux chargés d'histoire et leur permet de vivre de près le lien entre l'environnement et les célèbres romans.

Expériences et activités avec Brontë Adventures
Brontë Adventures propose une variété d'expériences permettant de découvrir le monde des sœurs Brontë de différentes manières. Parmi les attractions principales, on trouve :

# 1. Randonnées guidées à travers le paysage des Brontë
L'une des activités les plus populaires est une randonnée à travers le paysage sauvage et romantique qui a inspiré les Brontë. Ces excursions mènent notamment à :
- Top Withens, les ruines d'une ancienne ferme qui ont servi de modèle pour le fictif Wuthering Heights.
- Brontë Falls, une chute d'eau pittoresque mentionnée dans les journaux des sœurs.
- Penistone Hill, un point de vue offrant une vue panoramique impressionnante sur les landes du Yorkshire.

Les randonnées ne sont pas seulement une expérience littéraire, mais aussi une occasion d'apprécier le paysage dramatique qui a eu une forte influence sur l'atmosphère sombre et atmosphérique des romans.

# 2. Visite du Brontë Parsonage Museum
Le Brontë Parsonage Museum est l'une des attractions phares pour les amateurs de littérature. L'ancienne maison familiale a été transformée en musée abritant de nombreux objets originaux des Brontë, dont des manuscrits, des lettres et des biens personnels. Les visiteurs peuvent explorer les pièces authentiquement aménagées et en apprendre davantage sur la vie et l'œuvre des sœurs.

# 3. Découverte du village historique de Haworth
Haworth est lui-même un charmant village victorien préservé avec des rues pavées, de vieilles maisons en pierre et des pubs et salons de thé traditionnels. Ici, les visiteurs peuvent :
- Explorer la charmante rue principale qui n'a guère changé depuis l'époque des Brontë.
- Visiter le cimetière historique où de nombreuses personnes de l'entourage des Brontë sont enterrées.
- Parcourir les librairies et les antiquaires proposant une large sélection de littérature des Brontë et d'objets de collection.

# 4. Ateliers de littérature et événements thématiques
Brontë Adventures organise également des lectures, des ateliers d'écriture et des événements thématiques sur la littérature des sœurs et leur importance pour l'histoire de la littérature anglaise. Les événements marquant l'anniversaire des romans des Brontë, où des experts et des auteurs discutent de l'héritage des sœurs, sont particulièrement populaires.

# 5. Voyages en train avec la Keighley & Worth Valley Railway
Un point fort spécial est un voyage en train avec la historique Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, un chemin de fer à vapeur passant par Haworth. Ce train a figuré dans le film *The Railway Children* et offre un voyage nostalgique à travers le paysage idyllique du Yorkshire.

Importance pour la région
Brontë Adventures joue un rôle crucial dans la préservation de l'héritage littéraire du Yorkshire. Le tourisme attiré par l'intérêt pour les sœurs Brontë contribue grandement à l'économie de Haworth et de ses environs. De plus, les visites et les événements aident à sensibiliser à l'importance culturelle de la région.

Brontë Adventures à Haworth offre une opportunité incomparable de vivre de manière authentique le monde des sœurs Brontë. Des randonnées littéraires aux découvertes historiques en passant par les ateliers interactifs, cette expérience lie nature, histoire et littérature de manière unique. Pour les fans des romans des Brontë et pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent au lien entre paysage et littérature, une visite à Haworth avec Brontë Adventures est une expérience inoubliable.




46 Main St
BD22 0HB Keighley

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 16:00
Lundi9:00 - 17:00
Mardi9:00 - 17:00
Mercredi9:00 - 17:00
Jeudi9:00 - 17:00
Vendredi9:00 - 17:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


25 Avis

Miriam Troath

Thank you David for sharing your passion for your area . We learnt a great whilst having a fantastique walk. Would highly recommend. Thank you again.
Jenny Rankin

If you want a great guide to help you explore the moors where the Bronte children rambled long ago, David is the best. A good combination of stories, information, knowledge plus times of silence where I could just soak in the beauty, wind, silence of the green beautiful landscape. Highly recommended.
Chloe McGuirk

David organised a really great private tour for me over the Moors to see the Bronte landmarks, I wanted to see Top Withins but what he delivered was so much more than that. We had the most beautiful 8km hike, taking in the Bronte waterfall and bridge as well as some truly stunning scenery - it was a truly magical afternoon filled with so much joy - I learnt so much and it was really great to be out with someone so passionate about the area. Highly recommend!
Catherine Windels

I had an absolutely fantastic four-hour walk on the Bronte Moors with David. He provided entertaining and informative commentary, and made sure that I was kept safe on a rainy day where there were quite a few slippery spots on the route. He can be seen here testing a route before I embarked on it. I highly recommend his guiding services.
Grace Williquette

Really appreciated working with David on trying to plan our day in Haworth. He was so kind and explained things so well. Even though we were not able fit his Bronte walking tour into our schedule for the day, his YouTube video of the tour gave us a great picture of how to get to the places we would have wanted to go to!
Loic Varella

Very good contact, extremely reactive to emails and prompt to answer all questions !
Gretchen Murphy

David gave a great tour for a group of 40 college students and faculty. He was excellent with communication and planning and with adapting the hike to our particular needs and interests. Highly recommend!
Natalie Smith

Had an amazing guided tour on Saturday with David and Jodi taking in the sights of Haworth. Exploring the waterfall, fairy cave and places where the Bronte's were inspired to write was fantastic. We stopped and had a lovely 'mindful' experience led by Jodi, which really tuned us into our surroundings. David was extremely knowledgeable about the area and the length of the walk was spot on. Great idea to start and finish at the Wuthering Heights Inn. Thank you for such an enjoyable time.
Christopher Huby

We came to Howarth on the 2nd of May 2023 and I must say what a wasted journey. Everything was closed apart from the pub and a couple of bakers. This used to be a very busy High Street in Howarth and there was lots of shops but now it’s all closed down don’t bother visiting the village High Street at all. You’ll be very disappointed indeed
Małgorzata Skibińska

When in trouble - "Better Call Saul", but when you want to be in awe - Better Call David! I deeply appreciate his help in planning my trip across Haworth Moor and in making my special mission - in loving memory of my friend Ewa - come true. I can't wait to jump at his constantly expanded offer, which includes not only wutheringly romantic tours, but also accommodation in the heart of the English Wilderness. David is truly the Lord of the Trips, as well as bogs', moors' and grouses' Whisperer, Helping Hand (even more helpful than the Thing from "The Addams Family"), travel Advisor, travel Companion, Host-not-like-most, Guide and Guardian of the insider local knowledge who knows even how to train the Brontësaurus! One Man to rule them, one Man to find them, one Man to bring them all... "in a bunch of heather" in the Land of Moor-door where all dreams come true. He must be protected at all costs, or at least for the cost of B&B and guided walks that you can book online. Are you going to Wuthering Heights? Haworth, sage, Stanbury and thyme Remember him, I'm telling no lies David is the guide of all time! Thank you for all your kindness, David!
michelle power

Stunning village. Lots of quirky pubs great history amazing views.
Susan Gatenby

Fabulous place fantastic walk and beautiful views.
Jenny Garcia

David made our trip to Haworth so magical! We were a group of 6 women visiting Haworth as part of our Bronte literature course. Visiting Haworth really helped us understand the setting where the Bronte sisters grew up, but hiking the moors with David gave us a first-hand view of what inspired them to write their marvelous novels. Davids know the trails inside and out and took us to see some of the most important landmarks that would have been around when the Bronte sisters were alive. The moors are a stunning landscape and David takes you to all of the best spots to take in the sights and sounds of Yorkshire. I highly recommend hiring David to take you on a private guided walk of the area. He is a wealth of knowledge and also, the nicest man!

My wife and I had a guided tour by David on Saturday. The booking process was simple and straightforward. Thereafter David did his upmost to keep us informed and to advise us how things would happen. The walk itself was superb, with David being a knowledgeable and entertaining guide. David takes you off the beaten track and makes sure see and experience things the guide books don't. If you wish to see the moors and all the main Bronte sites in a morning then I could not recommend this more!
Hannah Jane Stuart

Magical experience. Exploring the beauty of the moors, gazing on wondrous waterfalls, walking through crags and heather. Hearing skylarks, wild grouse and curlews. David took us off the beaten path and was sympathetic to our interests . I highly recommend this walk.
Anne Finn

I booked a walk to Top Withens, the site reputed to have inspired Emily Bronte’s descriptions of the setting of Wuthering Heights, with Bronte Adventures in Haworth. The guided walk on the moors, which took in other places known to the Brontes, was so interesting and enjoyable. Our guide, David, was so helpful and knowledgeable and made the walk, which had initially seemed a bit challenging, safe and thoroughly good fun. Thank you, Bronte Adventures!
Jo Jagels

Had the most wonderful Saturday morning walk on the moors, taking in all the Brontë sights and all the beauty of the moor itself. I honestly don’t think you’d find a friendlier, more accommodating and knowledgeable guide than David. His deep passion for the moors is evident and he makes it his absolute mission to ensure you have the best possible experience of this beautiful part of Yorkshire.
Karen Wain

We had a beautiful walk over the heather covered moors where David told us about local history, folk lore and pointed out places of interest. He is a knowledgable, interesting guide, with a keen objective for people to have a safe, fun and pleasurable experience of Bronte Country! Lunch and a wander round Haworth is also a must do!
Derek & Linda

My friends and I met David at Ponden Lane last weekend for our Bronte Adventure. Prior to our departure David ensured that we were all suitably suited and booted for the terrain. After a short climb, our eyes feasted on the wonderful views of Haworth and the surrounding countryside. David shared his extensive knowledge of the local cotton mills and a nearby farm which had housed leprosy patients in years gone by. We climbed up the side of the waterfall and enjoyed a rest on the pretty bridge over the river. As we sat in Charlotte Bronte’s stone chair, we felt inspired to write our own memoirs. As we reached Wuthering Heights, we waited patiently but Heathcliffe didn’t show up! The heather display was beautiful and every now and again, a startled grouse or two flew up in front of us. At the highest point of the walk, we shared two minutes silence - a time for reflection and a further opportunity to take in the view. If you enjoy walking in the fresh air, you are assured of a wonderful experience. Highly recommended.
Yeolande Sykes

So last Saturday morning a group of us decided to go on a hunt for Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights) on the moors above Howarth. Our guide, David, was waiting for us at the appointed time and place and after a chat about our route, safety guidelines and approximate time of return we set off. David was very knowledgeable about the local area and the moors we were walking over, he showed us many of the 'Bronte' spots including the waterfall and a stone shaped chair which Charlotte Bronte is said to have sat on. We eventually reached Top Withuns but alas, there was no sign of Heathcliff!! We were then guided back to our starting point through lots of beautiful patches of heather, again with many more anecdotes from our guide. It was a lovely morning, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting (or even already living) in the area!!
Alison Flynn

Fabulous walk with Bronte Adventures. David was friendly, knowledgable about the area and kept the walk at at a good pace for everyone in the small group. We explored routes which we off the busier tracks which I wouldn't have found on my own and saw lovely views I would have normally missed. The scenery was amazing, especially with the heather and we were also blessed with glorious sunshine. Will definitely book again.
Wendy Murphy

Last Saturday morning my partner and I had the pleasure of a group walk with Bronte Adventures. Our guide, David, was waiting to welcome us at the allocated meeting point. After a brief description of the walk and approximate finishing time we were on our way. The first part of the walk was uphill but we were soon rewarded with fantastic views. David was happy to go at the pace of the group with lots of information stops and rests along the way. If you have a spare Saturday morning in the coming weeks I would not hesitate to recommend Bronte Adventures.
Tracey Parle

The process of booking was straightforward and easy. David communicated well prior to our guided tour so we felt well prepared for the event. All precautions regarding social distancing and hand sanitising were in place. Sometimes guides can inundate you with information and it becomes overwhelming, however David pitched his "facts" perfectly so they remained interesting throughout the walk. We had the opportunity to feel connected to the landscape as we didn't feel at all rushed. David was polite, professional and importantly, fun! We would not hesitate to recommend.


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